Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why did I gets warts?

Why did I gets warts?

This is an age old question.  We use to think warts came during puberty.  This was found not to be true an individual can get the virus at any age.  You only have to be susceptible to the virus, which is the same virus from the family that caused cold sores.

Treatments start with acid, Laser sx, excision of lesions and even pills such as Tagamet.  At this time, there are about 125 different treatment for warts from Homeopathies to Cancer medication.  No one can tell you how long it will take to get the warts to leave.

My thought is to have a 3 prong  attack on warts from debridement followed with acid then acid therapy at home and finally homeopathic taken every morning internally.

In my hands,  Laser surgery appears to be the most successful at this time.  The sooner you start treatments the sooner the warts will leave.   Please call the office of Community Foot and Ankle of Mentor at 440-946-5858.

Monday, July 27, 2015

When Your Feet Hurt, You Hurt All Over

When your feet Hurt ,  You Hurt all Over


Did you know you have 28 bones in your foot?

Did you know when you are walking for every step multiply your body weight times 3 due to gravity on this planet?

Did you know when you are running your body weight  is multiplied by 7?

And you wonder why your  feet, knees and back hurt by the end of the fay.  You are taking all the force due to concrete does not give.  You do!!!

Even when you buy shoe s you need to try them on before you leave the store.  No 2 pairs  of  shoes  feel the same any more.  Is quality control in effect?   Even running shoes only last between 300-600 miles before they need to be change.  And most avid runners might change their shoe every 3 -6 months.

You no longer have to wonder why your feet hurt.  But, the good news is there are ways to change how you feel.  In the next article s I will give you way to improve your foot health.  Stay reading my thoughts on foot Health.  Please take the time the help yourself. And  remember  -  When your Feet Hurt You Hurt All Over.  Please call to schedule your appointment 440-946-5858.  You can ask for me Dr. Robert Rosenstein, Medical Director of Community Foot and Ankle of Mentor, INC.  All my Doctors will give the best  foot  care.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Why did I get fungus under my nails?

Why did I get fungus under my nails?


This is a common question.  Toe nail fungus can start from trauma to the toenail.  There was a study that showed the 50% of people over 40 years of age have experienced some form of toenail fungus.

Dermatophytes are the cause of fungus nails and skin fungus.  They love dark and moist environments like your shoes.  The toenail can change to yellow to brown discoloration and can become thick.

Treatments range from pills, creams to lasers.  In my hands, the laser is successful without many complications of pills.  Call and schedule your treatment to enjoy your summer.  They even make antifungals today that will allow you to wear nail polish during the treatment.

Pick up the phone and call, I can help  440-946-5858.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reason for Pain in balls of your feet

Reason for pain in balls of your feet


Stone bruise, also known as metatarsalgia, is not so much an injury as it is the symptom of various ailments. You will know if you have an issue when there is pain under the ball of your foot. The pain is typically experienced during weight-bearing activities or ones that induce additional force upon the foot, like running.

You will need to see a Podiatrist and be examined.  You will need an x-ray to evaluate for bone bruise or a fracture.  Pain after walking could be caused by tendonitis, capsulitis or synovitis.

 Given that stone bruises arise for a variety of reasons, there are various methods that will be used in treating your pain and discomfort. Some of the treatments we recommend and use to relieve the pain include resting, wearing appropriate footwear, and the use of orthotics. Elevating the affected foot after long periods of standing or exercise, along with an icing regimen, can provide relief. If the root cause is ill-fitting or underperforming footwear, a simple change of shoes might help. Orthotics can help evenly distribute bodyweight and are quite beneficial if an uneven distribution is the issue.

Call and schedule an appointment for evaluation at 440-946-5858.

Start you cure for FUNGUS NAILS

Start your cure for FUNGUS NAILS


March is the time to start your treatment because you need time to regrow your nails.  Nails only grow at approximately 2 mm per day.  Laser nail surgery technology is effective, painless and quickly eradicates fungus on your toenails and your fingernails.  The laser will help to kill the fungus in the nail bed without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Laser surgery is safe for most anyone regardless of other medical conditions.  This type of treatment will not interfere with any medication you are on at this time.  Please pick up the phone and get a consultation for laser surgery  to get rid of fungus nails for you.  Call 440-946-5858.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015



We offer two types of orthotics in our office. Custom orthotics and semi-custom orthotics. These shoe inserts change the way you walk, stand, and distribute weight through your entire body. They have a many things in common, but they also have a few key differences. Sometimes patients ask a follow up question, which is, "are Custom Orthotics any better than drugstore shoe inserts?" In a word, YES. The chart below shows the differences between these two types of shoe inserts.

Custom Orthotics
Drugstore Shoe Inserts
Gives support to specific areas that your foot needs
Exact support based on your exact way each of your feet are individually shaped.
Minimal support, mostly cushion
Feels soft to the touch by giving your feet cushion
More support than cushion
Primarily cushion.
Relieves stress points on feet
Yes, with exactness
Fixes alignment in feet and body
Improves gait and body pains
Recommended and evaluated by a doctor
Usually, depending on insurance

As you can see, custom orthotics are highly advantageous, followed by semi-custom orthotics. Unfortunately, drugstore orthotics do not offer many advantages at all. Their cheap cost and cushy feel convince many customers to buy, but they do not function as an orthotic should, and are essentially a waste of money. They do not change the way the foot is aligned or striking the ground. Custom orthotics are obviously the best choice. Call our office 440-946-5858 for help deciding which is the best route for you.


Do You Have Fungus Toenails You Are Ashamed About


Do you have thick, discolored toenails? Are you embarrassed to show your toenails in public? You could have toenail fungus.

What is toenail fungus? Toenail fungus is called onychomycosis and is a fungus that grows on your nail, causing thick, yellowing and discolored nails.

How do you treat toenail fungus? In the past, fungal toenails have traditionally been treated with strong medications that can cause liver damage or with topical liquids and creams that are time consuming to apply and provide poor results. With new breakthrough laser therapy, however, the outcomes far exceed any other treatment that is currently available and without any of the dangerous side effects of medication.

What is laser treatment? With approximately an 80% success rate, the laser treatments are virtually painless and are performed in the office in minutes. The laser device utilizes safe light energy that passes through the toenail destroying the fungus without damaging the surrounding skin. The treatments will help patients grow new, clear and healthy toenails over a three to nine month period. The laser treatment consists of approximately three 10-minute laser procedures four weeks apart. Shoes and nail polish can be worn immediately after treatment. Some patients may require additional treatment sessions depending on the severity of their condition. Some of the reported advantages include no pain, no anesthesia, short treatment, no side effects, quick recovery and visible improvement in toenail appearance.

When should you treat toenail fungus? If you want to be “sandal ready” for summer, book your appointment now, and get ready to show off those beautiful healthy toenails. It takes months to treat, which surprises many patients. It’s time to throw away those creams and pills and stop hiding your feet.  Call our office today at 440-946-5858 to book your laser therapy.