Monday, December 31, 2012

Nail Fungus! What it is and how it is treated!

Nail Fungus, otherwise known as Onychomycosis, causes fingernails or toenails to thicken, discolor, disfigure, and split. At first, onychomycosis appears to be only a cosmetic concern. Without treatment, however, the toenails can become so thick that they press against the inside of the shoes, causing pressure, irritation, and pain.

  Half of all nail disorders are caused by onychomycosis, and it is the most common nail disease in adults. Toenails are much more likely to be infected than fingernails. The incidence of onychomycosis has been increasing and is related to diabetes, a suppressed immune system, and increasing age. Adults are 30 times more likely to have onychomycosis than children. In fact, only 2.6% of children younger than 18 years are reported to have it, but as many as 90% of elderly people have onychomycosis. Why do toenails thicken as we age you ask? With age there is a rapid decrease in the growth rate for both toenails and fingernails.  As a result both kinds of nail thicken because of the piling up of nail cells.

Other factors that can affect the rate of thickening include long-term trauma and impaired circulation. Peripheral Arterial Disease, which impairs circulation, most often affects the feet can also cause thickened, brittle nails that can often be confused with nail fungus, or simultaneously associate with onychomycosis and its effects.

Nail fungus can be treated in many ways. The most common treatments are topical antifungals that can be painted on the nail like nail polish, which penetrate the nail directly, and get directly to the fungus.  There are many over the counter liquid remedies over the counter, but for the best outcome to onychomycosis, the best treatment for it is prescription strength such as CNL-8, Onychol, or Formula3 to name a few.  

Other treatments include prescriptions like Lamisil, which are a medicine that you can take orally that gets to the fungus by going through the bloodstream and killing the fungus internally. 

A new treatment that has just recently came to light, is the state-of-the-art Laser that treats many different disorders, including warts and plantar faciitis.  The laser is painless and there is no anesthesia needed for nail treatment. Nail lasers are very effective but sometimes costly.  With the laser, there are no side effects and no need for any drugs. With it, sometimes there is a need for more than one treatment to rid of the pesky fungus. 

If you have any problems with your nails or notice any discoloration or thickening of your nails, call your podiatrist right away so they can find the best treatment for your problem, because remember, “if your feet hurt, you hurt all over!”


  1. Thanks for giving nice information regarding nail fungus problems. Fungal nail infections are most often seen in adults. They often follow fungal infection of the feet. Infections occur more often in toenails than in fingernails. I was prescribed Anti-fungal medicine by my family doctor and i am using it since 2 week and now i am happy with my beautiful nails.

    1. Fungi thrive and live off of the dead tissues of your hair, skin, and nails. They enter your body by way of cuts or small separations between your nail and nail bed.
