Saturday, January 5, 2013


In our last blog we talked about Fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis). We wanted to continue on this subject because we feel like this is an important subject!
 Fungal infections are deep beneath the surface of the nail.  They can cause your nails to appear thick discolored and brittle. Nail fungus is a contagious infection caused by more than 200 different types of fungus molds and yeast.  It is usually picked up by walking barefoot on a contaminated floor such as a hotel or locker room.  It usually begins as athletes foot on the skin, which eventually infects the nail. It is a localized infection of the nail and its underlying skin, so it normally does not spread to other parts of the body.

Fungus loves warm moist environments. You’re gym sneakers are a 5 star resort for the family fungi vacation. If you have sweaty feet, you are creating a haven in your shoes and socks for fungus to multiply. A podiatrist can offer several treatments for excessive foot sweating and will help decrease the nasty growth from spreading. It is also suggested to change your socks twice a day and to alternate shoes so as to not wear the same pair two days in a row and thus allowing them to dry and air out.

The fungus that grows under our toenails also grows in our shoes, showers, floors, soil, and almost everywhere you walk. Thus, reoccurrence after the oral medication can be very common. It is important to take preventative measures to keep fungus out of your toenails! There are a number of products that kill fungus in your shoes and on your feet. Using these products weekly after your toenail fungus is gone can help decrease the risk of seeing those ugly toenails.

People unwittingly put themselves at risk by wearing old shoes without socks and mistakenly believe nail fungus cannot reoccur.  It can easily return if proper preventative steps are not followed. 

Fortunately, there is treatment, but not with household products.  Also know that topical medications only work in a small percentage of cases at a very early stage of the infection.  There are also pills that are only available through your doctor that also can help but can cause side effects and/or drug interactions. 

The best choice to rid of that pesky fungus is The Gold Series Laser because it is a fast and effective tool to treat toenail fungus. 

The Gold Series Laser is pain free and requires no recovery time.  You can walk in and walk right out! The procedure takes 15 minutes to treat toes on both feet.

How does the laser work?

The laser kills the fungus that lives in and under the toenail.  The laser light passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin.  At the time of the procedure the toenail will not become instantly clear because it takes time for the nail to grow out. 

Are you ready for a solution that works? Ask your podiatrist for more info today! The Gold Series Diode Laser! 

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