Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Diabetes: Better tame than too late!!!

The next couple of blogs will be primarily educational about the basics of diabetes. Since uncontrolled diabetes is one of the worst outer and inner body diseases, we want to ensure you know about the preventative measures possible in your lifestyle. Basic statistics about the commonality of diabetes will also be included so that diabetes is no longer taken lightly. When reading, keep in mind that uncontrolled diabetes symptoms begin usually in the extremities, mainly the feet. This is one of the reasons why your podiatric physician becomes a crucial part in the treatment team of doctors for this condition.
Diabetes is a common condition in which the body is not able to utilize the sugar in the blood in a proper, productive way. One problem with diabetes is known as Hyperglycemia, which results when the body is not able to absorb the sugar from the blood into the cells. Uncontrolled hyperglycemia will cause the nerves in the body to deteriorate affecting the eyes, heart, kidneys and feet. This can lead to problems which can cause the body to literally deteriorate which eventually can cause amputations of body parts when the condition gets worse.
Some symptoms of hyperglycemia can include frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, weight loss for no apparent reason, tingling or numbness of the feet or hands, blurred vision, slow to heal wounds, and increased susceptibility of certain infections. If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms and has not been checked for diabetes, it is urgent that one should go see a doctor without further delay.
Diabetes currently affects 16 million people in the United States, of whom 5.4 million people do not even know they have the disease! Every day 2,200 new cases are identified and 780,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes every year.  Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the number of people with diabetes is going to double in the US within the next twenty five years. Furthermore, diabetes costs roughly $98 billion annually, much of which can be lowered if preventative measures and continuous follow ups are maintained with physicians.
I will bring an end to this blog describing a little more about the systemic (bodily) complications diabetes can cause and write more in the next one regarding the specifics dealing with diabetes and feet. Diabetes is a horrible disease that can and will literally take a persons’ life if left untreated. It will cause one to develop a condition known as Retinopathy causing visual changes leading to blindness, kidney damage and failure, worsen heart conditions that can cause heart failure and it can also cause people to lose sensation in certain body parts, causing them to become so infected and diseased that the amputation would be the only solution to keep the infection from spreading.
The sad truth is, more and more people are going to get diagnosed with diabetes and there is no cure for the disease as of yet, however there is hope. By monitoring diet, getting proper exercise, keeping your blood sugar within normal limits and maintaining visits with your doctor can keep most of the serious complications of diabetes far away and can let one enjoy life for a long time.

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