Monday, September 15, 2014

Heel hurts

Question: Why do my heels hurt first thing in the morning but then feel a little better as I start walking around my house?

Answer: That is a great question! And it is very common. Many people suffer from arch and heel pain, most commonly called plantar fasciitis, and it often shows up as pain with the first step in the morning getting out of bed. It can also occur after a period of sitting (i.e. while sitting for an hour or so to watch TV, working at your desk or arising from the dinner table) causing furniture walking till you are moving. This symptom is called post-static dyskinesia, which means pain after a period of immobility. As you rest or sleep, the muscles in your foot and leg tighten up and, if they are not stretched properly, they can pull when stretched with your body weight at their insertions on the foot bones, causing pain and inflammation in the foot. The pain usually improves after walking or exercising the feet. As the foot and leg muscles warm up and become active, the tightness and soreness resolve, and the pain goes away. The best thing to do for this condition is foot and ankle  are my 3 yoga style stretches first thing in the morning.

For more information on plantar fasciitis, checkout or call 440-946-5858 to schedule your reservation  for your appointment today.

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