Saturday, September 1, 2012

How To Prevent Ingrown Toenails


An ingrown toenail is one of the most painful foot conditions we often bring on ourselves. Although sometimes ingrown toenails are hereditary, they're most often caused by incorrect nail trimming -- and they become even more painful when they're squeezed by shoes that are too short and tight. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can follow to help prevent ingrown toenails.
The best tip for preventing ingrown toenails is: trim your nails straight across the top -- NOT in a rounded shape. In addition, avoid wearing shoes or socks that squeeze your toes together.

If you are diabetic or have poor circulation, seek professional attention.

Suggestion to prevent a problem:
  • Switch to longer shoes with a bigger toe box at least 1/2 an inch from tip of your longest toe.
  • Soak your foot in a solution of 1/4 cup of white vinegar to one gallon warm water for 10 minutes twice a day if infection is present and contact your Podiatrist
  • If you believe you have the start of an ingrown toenail, then apply an antiseptic or betadine ointment after you have soaked in vinegar solution. This is especially important, because one of the greatest dangers of ingrown toenails is the possibility of infection.  And seek Podiatric care.

Another great way to prevent ingrown toenails is to come in to see a Podiatric Nail Technician for a professional pedicure or manicure!

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