Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fun in the Sun!

Summertime is here which means more activities and increased risk for sports related injuries such as ankle sprains. These are the most common among start-and-stop running sports like, basketball, soccer and volleyball.  Proper and immediate treatment of a sprain can reduce your overall healing time. Symptoms include swelling, bruising and inability to walk on the injured foot.
What should I do after a sprain?               
·        Rest:
       The first 24-48 hours are considered the most crucial phase of the healing process. Resting the      injured limb is important and you should only do activities as tolerated. Crutches, braces and ace wraps can help with mobility.
·        Ice:
For the first 48 hour post injury you should ice for 20 minutes every 3-4 hours. DO NOT exceed 20 minutes at a time as this can cause tissue damage (frostbite) and it will not help you heal faster if you do.
·        Compression:
Use compression when elevating sprain or strain with an Ace bandage. The goal is to reduce and prevent excessive swelling and semi-stabilize the joint. You should be able to fit two fingers between the elastic wrap and your skin. Watch for numbness and discoloration of your toes, if they become cold, blue or tingly…RE-WRAP!
·        Elevate:
Keep your sprain or strain as straight as possible, elevating above your heart. You can accomplish this by placing pillows under your leg. This will help reduce the swelling.
If you cannot place any weight on the ankle, seek medical attention from a physician such as a Podiatrist. NEVER “Walk it off” this will only lead to more damage.
Affiliated Podiatrists
7230 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, Oh 44060
(440) 946-5858

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